If you want to learn emergency medicine and critical care, and kick start your career, come to AES for three years. In three years you will master client communication, emergency medicine, and develop sound business principles to set you up in any career path you...
Veterinary Nurse Managers are experienced veterinary nurses who have demonstrated leadership ability. Along with overseeing general nursing duties, our Veterinary Nurse Managers are responsible for rostering, training and development, coaching, conflict and...
Our Veterinary Nurses are motivated, caring, and love this area of medicine due to the variety of cases and potential to make a difference to patient’s lives. Minimum requirements to perform our Veterinary Nursing roles include having obtained a Certificate IV in...
Veterinary Nurse Assistants are employed on a seasonal basis and these roles are advertised annually in June. Veterinary Nurse Assistant roles provide an opportunity for Cert II, Cert III, or current Nursing students to establish career experience in the highly sought...
Kennel Attendants are valued team members that contribute towards the overall cleanliness of our hospital, and ensure amazing enrichment for our patients during their stay with us.