As we are reminded daily (not too politely… hours before our alarm clock), our pets LOVE to eat… and they want it right meow! So when they suddenly lose their appetite, we know something is wrong. A cat’s loss of appetite is often due to illness and worth getting...
One morning Winnie the border collie suddenly didn’t want to get out of bed, go for his usual walk, or even more surprising, eat his breakfast. After being referred to us after visiting his regular vet, Greencross Vets Nedlands, we ran radiographs where some...
“You shall not pass”… Corn cobs, the Gandalf of the stomach. One of the most common and also most dangerous foods to end up inside our pups, as they do not break down in the acid of a dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Instead, they block the path of regular food and cause...
Resisting the temptation of chocolate is hard for anyone, especially during Easter… or World Chocolate Day July 7th (we need an excuse for that?!!) or… let’s be honest here, every day is a good day for that sweet sweet goodness! A delightful mouthwatering treat...
As it turns out “the dog ate my homework” is a fairly plausible scenario for an excuse. We see all sorts of weird and downright wacky non-digestible items consumed by dogs from socks, leather and balls, to diamonds and nails. In the case of Mack James, it gets even...